Game Dev
Here is a game I've been working on for a bit now. Roguelike side scrolling platform game with random levels and (hopefully) lots of fun secrets to find. Developing in c++ with SDL for graphics and sound. So far I have working prototypes for linux and macOS.
Version 0.21-3 (March 2023)
- Unlockable chests, player level ups, idols give HP bonus.

0.21-3 gameplay video
Version 0.21-2 (July 2022)
- Collision System fix. System was not processing all collisions due to a bug.

collision system video
Version 0.21-1 (July 2022)
- Deck and Card system created.
- Layer collision system can be defined per game entity.

Version 0.21
- Hit points remaining shown next to enemy life bar
- Loot hidden inside terrain
- Menu system for pause screen
- Replace pack with card system
- Plan: Design in between level screen to upgrade, buy, heal, etc.

gameplay video
Version 0.20
- Pack system created
- Physics system updated to standardize call for all game objects
- Smoke

gameplay video
Version 0.19
- Tile map defines level
- Random levels
- Camera smoothing
- Pick up items and throw
- Destructible terrain
- Enemies seek out player and can have different states (idle, active, exploding, etc)

gameplay video - without linear interpolation to smooth camera.
gameplay video - with linear interpolation to smooth camera.
Version 0.18
- Collision system updates
- Events
- Events hold 1 or more command objects
- Explosions as command objects
- Player XP

gameplay video